If you don't get the title, then do this. Do that pointing position with your two hands and then stick 'em in your ears. Yes, you're covering your ears.
Listening can do lots of things to a person's head. At times, it could be boring. It could also be entertaining. And sometimes, it could also be relieving. The said act can be seen everyday and everywhere. You see people listening to their parents, their bosses, their teachers, their friends, and a whole lot more.
Speaking of people, this is one of the many important things that are needed to build or strengthen relationships with other people. If you do not listen, you don't really have communication. Without communication, your relationship will easily be shattered. You'll learn a lot from listening to what others have to say, too. That way, not only will your connection with those people get stronger, but you'll get stronger inside as well. To think that one simple act can do lots to everybody.
Sometimes when we listen, we let the words that are coming in to our ears go out through our nose or wherever. Or sometimes, after listening to someone or something, we erase those thoughts from our head, similar to those bulk-folder-whatever-thingamajigs. We can't blame ourselves for doing these things. We're not perfect, after all. But still, we must try our best to lend our ears. Who knows, maybe you'll miss those lucky lotto numbers if you're not careful.
Patience is essential for this task. Without it, you'll definitely become roadkill. Listening involves absorbing every single word, phrase, sentence, or whatever. And if you don't have patience, you'll definitely think that it won't be worth giving time to because you'd rather do something else. If other people do it for you, why won't you do it for them, right?
Listening isn't something that you can learn in one day. It takes time to master... a reeeeeeeaaaally long time, I guess. But if it's for the benefit of everybody who needs it and, of course, yourself, I think it's worth it.